Sermons & Episodes

John 9:1-41 Blind, But Now I See.

Everything is on the Table

A Matter of Heart and Mind

17.11.24 | Ashburton AM | Amy Abernethy

Pastors Jen & Jacob will be preaching on "Ask Us Anything"

Noble Minded

2nd Chronicles 25-Short and (Not) Sweet-November 17 2024

The Church, God's Authority On The Earth

Taking Your Next Step | Robert Kurz

How Many Loaves Do You Have? | Inquisitive Christ | Pastor Zach Kelley


Which Road Are You On?

Acts 8:1-25 Pastor Joe Holden

"The Fruit of His Presence" - Pastor John D. Putnam

You are the Church.MP3

The Backside of a Good Decision

1st Peter 5:1-11

First - The Commitment

Relationships ... God Restores What the Enemy Destroys