Can we still believe what we used to believe ? A sermon podcast on John 3:16
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
April 14, 2024 |
Easter Sunday Sermon - Resurrection Power in Jars of Clay - 2 Timothy 1:9-10, 2 Corinthians 4:7-15
Langdon Palmer |
March 31, 2024 |
The Christ enters the City of Man - Luke 19:28-47
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
March 24, 2024 |
Jesus teaches us about Humility - Mark 9:33-37
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
March 17, 2024 |
Jesus teaches us about Anxiety - Matthew 6:25-34
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
February 18, 2024 |
Jesus teaches us about forgiveness - When should I forgive ? - Matthew 18:21-35
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
February 11, 2024 |
Jesus teaches us about Generosity
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
February 04, 2024 |
Jesus teaches us about Fate - Luke 13:1-9
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
January 28, 2024 |
Jesus teaches us about Temptations - Luke 4:1-14
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
January 21, 2024 |
What Jesus actually said about Evangelism - Matthew 28:18-20
Series: What Jesus Actually Said
Langdon Palmer |
January 14, 2024 |
Being and Doing - considering the Purpose Driven Life - Ecclesiastes 9:7-10, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:41-43
Langdon Palmer |
January 07, 2024 |
The Word that Never Fails - Isaiah 55:8-13
Heather Rice |
December 31, 2023 |
Preparing for Christmas with Mary and Joseph
Langdon Palmer |
December 17, 2023 |
Resting in Repentance: How ordinary people live inside the story of God
Langdon Palmer |
December 10, 2023 |
What Star is This? A Holiday Message for the Intellectually Curious - Matthew 2:1-12
Langdon Palmer |
December 03, 2023 |
Psalm 113 - Preparing for Advent
Justin Wilke |
November 26, 2023 |
Thankful... A Leverington Church Sermon
Langdon Palmer |
November 19, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 9: "Forever..."
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
November 12, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 8: "All the Days of My Life..."
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
November 05, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 7: "My cup overflows..."
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
October 29, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 6: "You prepare a table before me..."
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
October 22, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 5: "Your Rod and Your Staff"
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
October 15, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 4: "Even Though..."
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
October 08, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 3: He Guides Me in Path of Righteousness
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
October 01, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A Vision for Life Part 2 - He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
September 24, 2023 |
Psalm 23 - A vision for life Part 1 - The Lord is My Shepherd
Series: PSALM 23
Langdon Palmer |
September 17, 2023 |
Harvest Habits to kick start your Fall - Hebrews 12:11-14
Langdon Palmer |
September 10, 2023 |
GENERATIONS - How can we worship together ?
Langdon Palmer |
September 06, 2023 |
A Small Group Study Curriculum for Genesis Chapter 4 - "Walking with God in a World Full of Envy and Strife"
Series: Genesis - a small group study
Langdon Palmer |
August 27, 2023 |
A Small Group Study of Genesis Chapter 3 - "The Day the World Got Broken"
Series: Genesis - a small group study
Langdon Palmer |
August 20, 2023 |
A Small Group Study Curriculum for Genesis Chapter 2 - "Created for Intimacy"
Series: Genesis - a small group study
Langdon Palmer |
August 13, 2023 |
A Small Group Study of Genesis Chapter 1 "Locating Yourself in the History of the World"
Series: Genesis - a small group study
Langdon Palmer |
August 06, 2023 |
Things I Love About Our Church - Part 2: The Face of Love
Langdon Palmer |
July 30, 2023 |
Is Christianity a box or the way out of the box? - A Generous Orthodoxy - 1st Corinthians 13:12
Langdon Palmer |
July 23, 2023 |
Jars of Clay
Paul Humber |
July 16, 2023 |
Created for Rest
Langdon Palmer |
July 09, 2023 |
Loving your church family well - Ephesians 4:11-20
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
June 25, 2023 |
Loving Jesus well - John 15:8-19
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
June 18, 2023 |
Stepping into your relationship with God
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
June 11, 2023 |
Loving Difficult People - Ephesians 4:15-18, 29-32
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
June 04, 2023 |
Loving Our Children Well - Ephesians 6:1-4
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
May 28, 2023 |
Loving Your Neighbors
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Justin Wilke |
May 21, 2023 |
Loving Your Parents Well
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
May 14, 2023 |
Loving Your Significant Other Well
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
May 07, 2023 |
Why We Drive Each Other Crazy
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2023 |
The Secret to a Happy Life – Job 19:13-29
Series: Rehabbing Me & You
Langdon Palmer |
April 16, 2023 |
Easter Morning - "Mary!" John 20:1-16 What it takes to believe in the resurrection
Langdon Palmer |
April 09, 2023 |
Tears of Sorrow/ Shouts of Joy - Luke 19:28-44
Langdon Palmer |
April 02, 2023 |
Living the Contented Life – Philippians 4:11-14
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 26, 2023 |
Living a Beautiful Life – Philippians 4:8-9
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 19, 2023 |
Dealing with Anxiety - Philippians 4:6-7
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 12, 2023 |
The Joyful Life - Philippians 4:4-5
Justin Wilke |
March 05, 2023 |
The Great Escape - Philippians 3:1-8, 17-21
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 26, 2023 |
What Does the Life of a Real Saint Feel Like?
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 19, 2023 |
Saying No to your Critical Spirit - Philippians 2:14-16
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 12, 2023 |
The Terror of Goodness – Philippians 2:12-13
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 05, 2023 |
The Humility of God - Philippians 2:5-11
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 29, 2023 |
Living a Generous Life – Philippians 2:1-14
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 22, 2023 |
A Life Full of Prayer - Philippians 1:1-11
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 15, 2023 |
Raising Kids in an anxious world - Philippians 1:9-10
Series: PHILIPIANS: Inner Peace in Utter Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 08, 2023 |
The World Searched... New Years Resolutions in Christ - Guest Preacher Justin Wilke
Justin Wilke |
January 01, 2023 |
Countdown to Christmas - Born the Son of God
Series: Countdown to Christmas
Langdon Palmer |
December 18, 2022 |
Countdown to Christmas - Born to a Virgin
Series: Countdown to Christmas
Langdon Palmer |
December 11, 2022 |
Countdown to Christmas - Born into a World of "Real Politik" - Matthew 1:18-2:3
Series: Countdown to Christmas
Langdon Palmer |
December 04, 2022 |
Countdown to Christmas - Born Heir to the Throne Isaiah 9:7 and Luke 1:31-32
Series: Countdown to Christmas
Langdon Palmer |
November 27, 2022 |
The Chosen: Learning Discipleship from Paul - Romans 12:4-10
Series: We Have Been Chosen...
Langdon Palmer |
November 20, 2022 |
The Chosen: Learning Discipleship from Phillip
Series: We Have Been Chosen...
Langdon Palmer |
November 13, 2022 |
The Chosen: Learning Discipleship from Mary
Series: We Have Been Chosen...
Langdon Palmer |
November 06, 2022 |
The Chosen: Learning from Matthew
Series: We Have Been Chosen...
Langdon Palmer |
October 30, 2022 |
DOGMA: How Can You Say There's Only One True Faith?
Series: Questions that Need Answering
Langdon Palmer |
October 23, 2022 |
SUFFERING - Part 2 - How should we live in a world full of suffering ?
Series: Questions that Need Answering
Langdon Palmer |
October 16, 2022 |
SUFFERING: Part 1 - How could a loving God allow so much suffering ?
Series: Questions that Need Answering
Langdon Palmer |
October 09, 2022 |
HISTORY: Did the Bible Really Shape the West - and is that a Good Thing?
Series: Questions that Need Answering
Langdon Palmer |
October 02, 2022 |
HEALTH: Is Religion good for you or bad for you ? - Proverbs 3:7-8 , John 10:10
Series: Questions that Need Answering
Langdon Palmer |
September 25, 2022 |
Philippians 2:1-11 from 2010
Unknown |
September 19, 2022 |
HOPE: "Is there a path that leads to real hope?" - Psalm 147:11
Series: Questions that Need Answering
Langdon Palmer |
September 18, 2022 |
My Calling: to B.L.E.S.S. others - Matthew 9: 9-13
Langdon Palmer |
September 11, 2022 |
Psalm 19: 14 "Count Me In!"
Series: Glimpses of the Big Story
Langdon Palmer |
September 04, 2022 |
Psalm 19: 12-13 "Honest to God..."
Series: Glimpses of the Big Story
Langdon Palmer |
August 28, 2022 |
Romans 12: 1-2 "What Was I Thinking?" GUEST PREACHER Bob Turner
Robert Turner |
August 21, 2022 |
Psalm 19: 10-11 - "Choosing What is Best..."
Series: Glimpses of the Big Story
Langdon Palmer |
August 14, 2022 |
Psalm 19: 7-9 "The Gift of Scripture"
Series: Glimpses of the Big Story
Langdon Palmer |
August 07, 2022 |
Psalm 19: 4b-6 "Run your course with joy!"
Series: Glimpses of the Big Story
Langdon Palmer |
July 31, 2022 |
Psalm 19:1-4 "The Music of the Spheres"
Series: Glimpses of the Big Story
Langdon Palmer |
July 24, 2022 |
The FulArmor of God - Ephesians 6:10-20 GUEST PREACHER: David Quinley
David Quinley |
July 17, 2022 |
God is always bigger! - Isaiah 6:1-13
Bob Emberger |
July 10, 2022 |
The Abortion Question, The American Christian, and the Constitution
Langdon Palmer |
July 03, 2022 |
The Money Pit – Living faithfully in the midst of inflation
Langdon Palmer |
June 26, 2022 |
Together with All the Saints – Ephesians 3:14-21
Heather Rice |
June 19, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "But they shouted all the louder"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
June 12, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "Pentecost"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
June 05, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "The beauty of worship in a world full of plotting"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 29, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "The Sheep and the Goats"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 22, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "The end of the world as we know it..."
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 15, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "The Seven Woes... and the Two Signs of a good leader"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 08, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "A most unexpected invitation"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 01, 2022 |
The Gospel of Matthew: "The Doctrine of Christian Work"
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
April 24, 2022 |
“Which is easier to say?” - Luke 24:1-12, Luke 5:17-32
Langdon Palmer |
April 17, 2022 |
"Six days before the Passover..." – John 12:1-26
Langdon Palmer |
April 10, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #12 "Be grateful in spite of your suffering"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
April 03, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #11 "Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 27, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #10 " Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 20, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #8 "Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 13, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #9 "If old memories still upset you write them down carefully and completely"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
March 06, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #7 "Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 27, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #6 "Abandon Ideology"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 20, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #5 "Do not do what you hate "
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 13, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #4 "Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
February 06, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #3 "Do not hide unwanted things in the fog"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 30, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #2 "Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 23, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's Rule #1 "Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement"
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 16, 2022 |
A biblical encounter with Jordan Peterson's book "Beyond Order" - an introduction
Series: Beyond Order & Chaos
Langdon Palmer |
January 09, 2022 |
An introduction to the book of Revelation
Series: Visions and Revelations in the Bible
Langdon Palmer |
November 28, 2021 |
An introduction to the book of Daniel
Series: Visions and Revelations in the Bible
Langdon Palmer |
November 14, 2021 |
Understanding the Creation Account in the book of Genesis
Series: Visions and Revelations in the Bible
Langdon Palmer |
November 07, 2021 |
Life After COVID #7: Saying Goodbye to Emptiness
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
October 31, 2021 |
Life After COVID #6: Saying Goodbye to Burnout
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
October 24, 2021 |
Life After COVID #5: Saying Goodbye to Bad Habits
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
October 17, 2021 |
Life After COVID #4: Saying Goodbye to Irrelevance
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
October 10, 2021 |
Life After COVID #3: Saying Goodbye to Disconnection
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
October 03, 2021 |
Life After Covid #2: Saying Goodbye to Compromise
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
September 26, 2021 |
Life After Covid #1: Saying Goodbye to Cynicism
Series: 7 Weeds that Grew up in me During COVID
Langdon Palmer |
September 19, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 14: "Sometimes the problem we face is the beginning of a miracle" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
August 08, 2021 |
4th of July: The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, and UFOs'
Langdon Palmer |
July 04, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 13: "The Sower & the Finders" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
June 27, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 12: "Encountering the Lord of Life, the Lord of Meaning" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
June 20, 2021 |
A special announcement from Langdon Palmer
Unknown |
June 17, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 11: "Interning with Jesus in the Art of Living Large!" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
June 13, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 10: "The Hard Teachings of Jesus" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
June 06, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 8: "The God Who Touches" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 30, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 7: "When Jesus Confronts the Spirit of our Age..." - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 23, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 6: "An Audience of One..." - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 16, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 5: "This is the Way" - The Mandalorian meets Jesus
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 09, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 4: "Jesus Faces the Devil" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
May 02, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 3: "Have You Been Washed in the Water?" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
April 25, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 2: "Two Books and Five Kings" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
April 18, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 1: "The God who Keeps His Promises" - Sermon Podcast
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
April 11, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 28 - Easter Morning Sermon - Why I believe in the Resurrection
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
April 09, 2021 |
Matthew Chapter 21 - Palm Sunday Sermon Podcast - The fulfillment of Prophesy
Series: The Gospel of Matthew
Langdon Palmer |
March 28, 2021 |
That Hideous Strength - Addendum: Hegemony = Counterhegemony = Evil
Series: Encountering the Gospel in the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
Langdon Palmer |
March 15, 2021 |
That Hideous Strength - A sermon podcast on the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy - Part 3
Series: Encountering the Gospel in the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
Langdon Palmer |
March 14, 2021 |
Perelandra - A sermon podcast on the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy Part 2
Series: Encountering the Gospel in the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
Langdon Palmer |
March 07, 2021 |
Out of the Silent Planet - a sermon podcast on the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy - Part 1
Series: Encountering the Gospel in the C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
Langdon Palmer |
February 28, 2021 |
Letting Jesus Wreck My Life #6 - How I can use Religion to avoid reality
Series: Letting Jesus Wreck My Life
Langdon Palmer |
February 21, 2021 |
Letting Jesus wreck my life #5 - The Relationship between Science and Faith
Series: Letting Jesus Wreck My Life
Langdon Palmer |
February 07, 2021 |
Letting Jesus Wreck My Life #4 - Psychology: Carl Jung meets Jesus
Series: Letting Jesus Wreck My Life
Langdon Palmer |
January 31, 2021 |
Letting Jesus Wreck My Life #3 - Philosophy
Series: Letting Jesus Wreck My Life
Langdon Palmer |
January 24, 2021 |
Letting Jesus Wreck My Life #2 - Diversions
Series: Letting Jesus Wreck My Life
Langdon Palmer |
January 17, 2021 |
Letting Jesus Wreck My Life #1 - Introduction
Series: Letting Jesus Wreck My Life
Langdon Palmer |
January 10, 2021 |
Politics: Why we all are wrong but the United States is pretty great - and practical steps you and I can take to reduce the division in our country!
Langdon Palmer |
January 09, 2021 |
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Micha 5:2-5
Langdon Palmer |
December 13, 2020 |
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - Isaiah 62
Langdon Palmer |
December 06, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Thanksgiving / Advent Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
November 29, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 The End Times Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
November 22, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
November 15, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
November 08, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13 Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
November 01, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
October 25, 2020 |
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Sermon Podcast
Series: The Book of First Thessalonians
Langdon Palmer |
October 18, 2020 |
Books on Tape - "The Secret of Innocent Smith" - Chapter 5 adapted from G.K. Chesterton's "Man Alive"
Series: The Secret of Innocent Smith
Langdon Palmer |
October 05, 2020 |
Books on Tape - "The Secret of Innocent Smith" - Chapter 4 adapted from G.K. Chesterton's "Man Alive"
Series: The Secret of Innocent Smith
Langdon Palmer |
October 04, 2020 |
Books on Tape - "The Secret of Innocent Smith" - Chapter 3 adapted from G.K. Chesterton's "Man Alive"
Series: The Secret of Innocent Smith
Langdon Palmer |
October 03, 2020 |
Books on Tape - "The Secret of Innocent Smith" - Chapter 2 adapted from G.K. Chesterton's "Man Alive"
Series: The Secret of Innocent Smith
Langdon Palmer |
October 02, 2020 |
Books on Tape - "The Secret of Innocent Smith" - Chapter 1 adapted from G.K. Chesterton's "Man Alive"
Series: The Secret of Innocent Smith
Langdon Palmer |
October 01, 2020 |
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 6 - "Yes, I can already see the banner!"
Series: 6 Reasons to Hope
Langdon Palmer |
September 06, 2020 |
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 5 - A Day Well Lived
Series: 6 Reasons to Hope
Langdon Palmer |
September 05, 2020 |
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 4 - "Born Again."
Series: 6 Reasons to Hope
Langdon Palmer |
September 04, 2020 |
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 3 - Sunlight, Coffee, and Brown Eyed Susans
Series: 6 Reasons to Hope
Langdon Palmer |
September 03, 2020 |
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 2 - "The Hope that House Built."
Series: 6 Reasons to Hope
Langdon Palmer |
September 02, 2020 |
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 1 - "Eeyore was wrong."
Series: 6 Reasons to Hope
Langdon Palmer |
September 01, 2020 |
1 Peter 4:12-19 Give me shelter
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
June 14, 2020 |
1 Peter 4:1-11 Extending mercy & grace: cutting our neighbors some slack in a divided nation
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
June 07, 2020 |
1 Peter 3:19-22 - An Addendum
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
June 01, 2020 |
1 Peter 3 8-18 - How to have Hope, How to have Witness
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
May 31, 2020 |
1 Peter 3:1-7 And for those of you who are married…
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
May 24, 2020 |
1 Peter 2:13-25 The Christian, the Government, and God's Great Dance Floor!
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
May 17, 2020 |
1 Peter 2:4-12 Who you really are
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
May 10, 2020 |
1 Peter 1:13-2:3 Three soundings and our social media moment
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
May 03, 2020 |
1 Peter 1:3-12 Stoked to be Tethered !
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
April 26, 2020 |
1 Peter 1:1-2 For such a time as this
Series: 1st Peter Bible Study
Langdon Palmer |
April 19, 2020 |
Full Easter Service
Langdon Palmer |
April 12, 2020 |
An Enneagram Easter
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
April 12, 2020 |
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 7 - The Enthusiast
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
April 05, 2020 |
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 6- The Loyalist
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
March 29, 2020 |
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 5 - The Investigator
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
March 22, 2020 |
Full Worship Service March 22,2020
Langdon Palmer |
March 21, 2020 |
Full worship service for March 15, 2020
Langdon Palmer |
March 15, 2020 |
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 4 - The Romantic
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
March 15, 2020 |
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 3 - The Performer
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
March 08, 2020 |
Christianity and the Enneagram Podcast Number 2 - The Helper
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
March 01, 2020 |
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 1 - The Perfectionist
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
February 23, 2020 |
Christianity and the Enneagram Podcast Number 9 – The Peacemaker
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
February 16, 2020 |
Christianity and the Enneagram Podcast Number 8 - The Challenger
Series: The Enneagram and the life of Faith
Langdon Palmer |
February 09, 2020 |
Sermon Podcast on Colossians 4
Series: The Book of Colossians
Langdon Palmer |
February 02, 2020 |
Sermon Podcast of Colossians 3
Series: The Book of Colossians
Langdon Palmer |
January 26, 2020 |
Sermon Podcast on Colossians 2
Series: The Book of Colossians
Langdon Palmer |
January 19, 2020 |
Sermon Podcast of Colossians 1
Series: The Book of Colossians
Langdon Palmer |
January 12, 2020 |
Christmas Eve - "Right into the middle of..."
Langdon Palmer |
December 24, 2019 |
Advent 2 – How can I be sure – the story of Zechariah in Luke 1:5
Series: Advent 2019
Langdon Palmer |
December 08, 2019 |
Advent 1 – a Text Message from God - John 1:1-14
Series: Advent 2019
Langdon Palmer |
December 01, 2019 |
God in my Everything - Witness
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
November 17, 2019 |
God in my Everything – Justice
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
November 10, 2019 |
God in my Everything - Work
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
November 03, 2019 |
God in my Everything - The lost Art of Playfulness
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
October 28, 2019 |
God in my Everything - Bodies
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
October 20, 2019 |
God in my Everything - Christians as sexual beings in troubled times
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
October 13, 2019 |
God in my Everything - Family
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
October 06, 2019 |
God in my Everything - Friends
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
September 29, 2019 |
God in my Everything - The Three Foundations
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
September 22, 2019 |
God in my Everything - The Trellis
Series: God in my Everything
Langdon Palmer |
September 16, 2019 |
Psalm 103:19-22 The Sixth Window
Series: Psalm 103 - Six windows that can reorient your life
Langdon Palmer |
September 08, 2019 |
Psalm 103:13-18 – The fleeting, priceless, crucial splendor of your life
Series: Psalm 103 - Six windows that can reorient your life
Langdon Palmer |
September 01, 2019 |
Psalm 103:8-12 Hidden in the middle of a barren land...
Series: Psalm 103 - Six windows that can reorient your life
Langdon Palmer |
August 25, 2019 |
Psalm 103:6-7 The Christian and Social Justice
Series: Psalm 103 - Six windows that can reorient your life
Langdon Palmer |
August 05, 2019 |
Psalm 103:3-5 The Miracle of Existence, the Secret of Gratitude
Series: Psalm 103 - Six windows that can reorient your life
Langdon Palmer |
July 28, 2019 |
Psalm 103:1-2 How to re-orient your soul
Series: Psalm 103 - Six windows that can reorient your life
Langdon Palmer |
July 21, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 8 - Choosing between Horcruxes and King’s Cross Station
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
June 30, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 7 - The Remorse of Hagrid and the Return of Percy Weasly
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
June 23, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 6 - The Gospel according to Severus Snape
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
June 16, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 5 - Platform 9 3/4
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
June 09, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 4 - Albus Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
June 02, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 3 - Dealing with Dementors and a woman named Dolores Umbridge
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
May 26, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 2: Lucius Malfoy – Mudbloods, Muggles, and Me
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
May 19, 2019 |
Harry Potter meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 1 - Lily Potter, Aunt Petunia, and Mrs. Weasley
Series: Harry Potter meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
May 12, 2019 |
PALM SUNDAY – a straight path through the thicket of Human Maneuvering – John 12:1-19
Langdon Palmer |
April 14, 2019 |
Ephesians 6:10-21 Sermon Podcast - Stand your ground.
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
April 07, 2019 |
Ephesians 6:1-9 Sermon Podcast - Children, Servants, and Slaves
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
March 31, 2019 |
Ephesians 5:21-33 Sermon Podcast - Husbands and Wives
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
March 24, 2019 |
Ephesians 5:1-21 Sermon Podcast - The Darkness, the Wrath, the Light, and the Joy
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
March 17, 2019 |
Ephesians 4:17-32 Sermon Podcast - Not what I was, not yet what I will become
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
March 10, 2019 |
Ephesians 4 1-16 Sermon Podcast - God's Orchestra
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Unknown |
March 03, 2019 |
Ephesians 3:1-13 Sermon Podcast - For This Reason...
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
February 17, 2019 |
Ephesians 2:11-22 Sermon Podcast - The sin of "Those People-ism"
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
February 10, 2019 |
Ephesians 2:1-10 Sermon Podcast - That was then, This is now
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
February 03, 2019 |
Ephesians 1:15-24 Sermon Podcast - Learning to pray like Paul
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
January 27, 2019 |
Ephesians 1:1-14 Sermon Podcast - The gift of knowing who you are
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
January 20, 2019 |
How to read the bible for yourself
Series: The Book of Ephesians
Langdon Palmer |
January 13, 2019 |
Epiphany for the New Year
Langdon Palmer |
January 06, 2019 |
Langdon Palmer |
January 01, 2019 |
Advent Scene 3 - The sign of the Baptist
Series: Advent 2018
Langdon Palmer |
December 16, 2018 |
Advent Scene 2 - The Sign of the Prophet
Series: Advent 2018
Langdon Palmer |
December 09, 2018 |
Advent Scene 1 - The sign of the star
Series: Advent 2018
Langdon Palmer |
December 02, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 10 - Thanks=Giving
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
November 25, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 09 – Jacob’s Ladder
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
November 18, 2018 |
Jordon Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 08 – Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
November 11, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 07 – Raising our kids to flourish
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
November 04, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 06 - Tell the Truth or at least don't lie
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
October 28, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 05 - Choose Meaning and Sabbath over Expediency
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
October 21, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 04 - Self Inflicted Wounds
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
October 14, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 03 - Look up, Look In, then Look Out
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
October 07, 2018 |
Jordan Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 02 - Don't be the Hermit Crab
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
September 30, 2018 |
Jordon Peterson meets Jesus Sermon Podcast 01 - Be the Lobster
Series: Jordon Peterson meets Jesus
Langdon Palmer |
September 26, 2018 |
Zephania 3:17 Deep joy in the midst of Dire Warnning
Langdon Palmer |
August 05, 2018 |
Living the Lord's Prayer 04 - Give us this day...
Series: Living the Lord's Prayer
Langdon Palmer |
May 13, 2018 |
Living the Lord's Prayer 03 - Thy Kingdom Come
Series: Living the Lord's Prayer
Langdon Palmer |
May 06, 2018 |
Living the Lord's Prayer 02 - Hallowed be thy name
Series: Living the Lord's Prayer
Langdon Palmer |
April 30, 2018 |
Living The Lord's Prayer 01 - Our Father
Series: Living the Lord's Prayer
Langdon Palmer |
April 22, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 11 - Facing Heaven and Hell
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
April 08, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 10 - Human free will and the Sovereignty of God
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
March 18, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 09 - The dwarf and Sarah Smith - Colossians 1:3-14
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
March 11, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 08 - The Red Lizard - Colossians 3:1-17
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
March 04, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 07 - Robert and the 'Fix Him' Woman - Chapter 10
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
February 25, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 06 - The Artist and the Grumbler - Chapter 9b
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
February 18, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 05 - The Embarassed Woman - Chapter 8
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
February 11, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 04 - Ikey and the Hardbitten Man - Chapters 6 & 7
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
February 04, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 03 - The Bishop - Chapter 5
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
January 28, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 02 - The Big Man - Chapter 4
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
January 21, 2018 |
The Great Divorce 01 - The Road you are one - Preface through Chapter 3
Series: The Great Divorce
Langdon Palmer |
January 14, 2018 |
The Last Arrow
Langdon Palmer |
January 07, 2018 |
Advent #3 - Today, if you hear His voice...
Langdon Palmer |
December 17, 2017 |
Advent #2 - Deep calls to Deep...
Langdon Palmer |
December 10, 2017 |
Advent #1 - Wise Men still seek Him...
Langdon Palmer |
December 03, 2017 |
James 5:7-20 Thanksgiving and the Three Practices of a Flourishing FaithUntitled Recording Nov 28 9:10am
Series: The Book of James
Langdon Palmer |
November 26, 2017 |
James, Paul, Luther, and how the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation is for you!
Series: The Book of James
Langdon Palmer |
October 29, 2017 |
James 1 18-27 The Mirror of the Word of God
Series: The Book of James
Langdon Palmer |
October 15, 2017 |
James 1 1-19 The Fellowship of the King
Series: The Book of James
Unknown |
October 08, 2017 |
Vital Signs #3 - How am I doing spiritually, Really ?
Series: Brutally Honest
Langdon Palmer |
October 01, 2017 |
Vital Signs #2 - How healthy is my realationship with money, Really ?
Series: Brutally Honest
Langdon Palmer |
September 24, 2017 |
Vital Signs #1 How am I doing in my relationships, really ?
Series: Brutally Honest
Langdon Palmer |
September 17, 2017 |
A fierce prayer for starting off your Fall - Jabez meet Micha
Langdon Palmer |
September 10, 2017 |
A River Runs Through It - a vision for when all you see is problems
Langdon Palmer |
August 07, 2017 |
Spring House: The gift of Orthodoxy for Postmodern Pilgrims
Langdon Palmer |
July 30, 2017 |
It was just what I needed !
Langdon Palmer |
July 23, 2017 |
Number 7 - Eden's Tree... No Adultery
Series: The Ten Commandments
Langdon Palmer |
June 05, 2017 |
Number 1 - No other gods
Series: The Ten Commandments
Langdon Palmer |
May 08, 2017 |
EASTER 2017 - Supernatural Miracle or Practical Real World Solution?
Langdon Palmer |
April 16, 2017 |
Hebrews Chapter 9 - Palm Sunday and the Architecture of Reality...
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
April 09, 2017 |
Hebrews Chapters 10 & 11 - When both Faith and Doubt come knocking at your door...
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
April 02, 2017 |
Hebrews Chapter 8 - A different furnace down in the basement...
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
March 27, 2017 |
Hebrews Chapter 7 - Out of Nowhere...
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
March 19, 2017 |
The Book of Hebrews Chapter 6 - My anchor still holds ...
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
March 13, 2017 |
Hebrews Chapter 5 - Guest Preacher Heather Rice
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Unknown |
March 05, 2017 |
Hebrews Chapter 4 - The Sabbath, The Sword, and the Savior
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
February 26, 2017 |
The Book of Hebrews Chapter 3 - Turning away from turning away
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
February 19, 2017 |
The Book of Hebrews Chapter 2 - Passive Drift or Thankful Embrace ?
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
February 12, 2017 |
The Book of Hebrews Chapter 1 - Your comfort zone versus where the magic happens...
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Langdon Palmer |
February 06, 2017 |
TED Talks #3 - If God is real, then why does God allow terrible things to happen ? Faith & Suffering
Series: FRED Talks
Langdon Palmer |
January 29, 2017 |
TED Talks #2 - Faith and Culture
Series: FRED Talks
Langdon Palmer |
January 22, 2017 |
TED Talks #1 - Faith and Science
Series: FRED Talks
Langdon Palmer |
January 15, 2017 |
Marriage - Is this as good as it gets ? take 2
Series: Building Healthy Relationships
Langdon Palmer |
October 23, 2016 |
Healthy Relationships #5 "Raising Your Parents"
Series: Building Healthy Relationships
Langdon Palmer |
October 21, 2016 |
Healthy Relationships #3 "I and Thou" - How Friendships Change Us
Series: Building Healthy Relationships
Langdon Palmer |
October 02, 2016 |
Healthy Relationships #2 Dealing with Difficult People - Ephesians 4:1-3
Series: Building Healthy Relationships
Langdon Palmer |
September 29, 2016 |
Healthy Relationships #1 Stimulus versus Response - Proverbs 3:3-4
Series: Building Healthy Relationships
Langdon Palmer |
September 18, 2016 |
Psalm 90 "You are our dwelling place..."
Series: Living in the 90's
Langdon Palmer |
July 24, 2016 |
Galatians 5:22-26 The Fruit of the Spirit...
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
July 10, 2016 |
Galatians 5:13-21 What do you do when there is a black hole right in front of you - and you dont even know it ?
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
July 03, 2016 |
Galatians 5:1-11 Corkscrews, Building Blocks, and Practicing the Discipline of Freedom…
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
June 26, 2016 |
Galatians 4:21-31 Sarah, Hagar, and the freedom that comes from desiring the presence of God
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
June 19, 2016 |
Galatians 4:12-20 - The Wounds of a Friend...
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
June 13, 2016 |
Galatians 3:27 – 4:11 "That condescending sense of superiority dies right here... and that joy-full gift of freedom and honor is born right here."
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
June 05, 2016 |
Galatians 3:15-25 Training Wheels...
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
May 31, 2016 |
Galatians 3:1-14 The Gospel according to the movie THE MARTIAN
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
May 22, 2016 |
Galatians 1:6-11 Saint Paul meets the COEXIST bumper sticker
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
April 24, 2016 |
Galatians 1:1-5 Life out in the wide open
Series: The Book of Galatians
Langdon Palmer |
April 19, 2016 |
Politics... or Easter ?
Rev. Dr. Langdon Palmer |
March 27, 2016 |
LUST - Fire ...and ashes. - The Seven Deadly Sins #7
Langdon Palmer |
February 21, 2016 |
GREED and GLUTTONY - I want it all - The Seven Deadly Sins #5 and #6
Langdon Palmer |
February 14, 2016 |
WRATH - Rage against the machine - The Seven Deadly Sins #4
Langdon Palmer |
February 07, 2016 |
SLOTH - Slackers, Workaholics, and Relational Laziness - The Seven Deadly Sins #3
Langdon Palmer |
January 31, 2016 |
VAIN GLORY - When image is everything, and it's all about you - The Seven Deadly Sins #2
Langdon Palmer |
January 17, 2016 |
ENVY - Feeling bitter when others have it better - The Seven Deadly Sins #1
Langdon Palmer |
January 10, 2016 |
Ring the Bells that still can ring
Langdon Palmer |
January 03, 2016 |
Psalm 2 - let's get political ! or... How should a Christian think about current social issues ?
Langdon Palmer |
June 28, 2015 |
John 2:1-11 Wine and Whip Part 1: Grace
Langdon Palmer |
May 05, 2015 |
john 1:35-54 Stairway to Heaven !
Langdon Palmer |
April 30, 2015 |
JOHN 1: 19-34 - The freedom that comes from the "R" word
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2015 |
JOHN 1: 1-18 When God moved into the neighborhood
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2015 |
EASTER 2015 - If the switch has been thrown - Matthew 28
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2015 |
Palm Sunday 2015 - For this fleeting moment... Rejoice! Matthew 21:1-16
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2015 |
The Apostles Creed 5 - The Holy Catholic Church - Ephesians 4:15, 1 Peter 2:1-10
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2015 |
The Apostles Creed 4 - The Holy Spirit - John 14:15-17, Mathew 3:16-4:11
Langdon Palmer |
April 23, 2015 |
Apostles Creed 3 - God the Son - Victorious - Stranger Than Fiction - Revelation 1:4-8 and Revelation 5:1-14
Langdon Palmer |
March 07, 2015 |
Apostles Creed 2 - God the Son - Incarnate - Hebrews 1:1-3
Langdon Palmer |
March 07, 2015 |
Apostles Creed 1 - God the Father - The Story of the Cosmos Dehdrated - Isaiah 45:5-22
Langdon Palmer |
March 07, 2015 |
The Gospel according to Severus Snape - Matthew 15:21-28
Langdon Palmer |
July 27, 2014 |
Moses - Exodus 3:1-22
Langdon Palmer |
June 26, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 9 - The gospel according to the Grand Canyon
Langdon Palmer |
May 18, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 8 - Replacing that old furnace in the basement
Langdon Palmer |
May 11, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 7 - Out of Nowhere - kattywampus like Melchizedek
Langdon Palmer |
May 04, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 6 - My Anchor still holds
Langdon Palmer |
April 27, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 5 - Eeyore and Tigger meet the Author of Salvation
Langdon Palmer |
April 11, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 4 - The Sabbath, The Sword, and the Savior - or - Understanding the Word of God
Langdon Palmer |
March 30, 2014 |
Hebrews Chapter 3 - Science, Christianity and Diversity - or, how to encourage one another
Langdon Palmer |
March 23, 2014 |
Marriage - is this as good as it gets ?
Langdon Palmer |
February 16, 2014 |
Sex - Why does it bring out both the best and the worst in us ?
Langdon Palmer |
February 02, 2014 |
Stimulus versus Response - Proverbs 3:3-4
Langdon Palmer |
January 19, 2014 |
A Threshing Floor Advent - Matthew 3:1-12
Langdon Palmer |
December 01, 2013 |
Is any of this real ? Hope for WYSIWYG Christians John 20:24-36
Langdon Palmer |
November 10, 2013 |
The Catcher in the Rye - Mark 1:14-20 Mark 2:13-17
Langdon Palmer |
November 04, 2013 |
2 Samuel 7 - When God said no to David - Living in a house of Cedar
Langdon Palmer |
October 06, 2013 |
MUSIC - The Coming Of October
Langdon Palmer |
September 30, 2013 |
When God Comes Knocking 1 Samuel 3 - Part 1
Langdon Palmer |
September 29, 2013 |
Moses and the burning bush - Exodus 3
Langdon Palmer |
September 15, 2013 |
Psalm 19
Langdn Palmer |
September 09, 2013 |
I'm not Religious...
Langdon Palmer |
June 20, 2013 |
I dont believe in faith, I believe in Science
Langdon Palmer |
June 19, 2013 |
"I'm not into Organized Religion"
Langdon Palmer |
June 19, 2013 |
I dont need doctrine
Langdon Palmer |
June 18, 2013 |
Apostles'' Creed - On the third day he rose again - Christ the Victor
Series: Rediscovering the Apostles' Creed
Langdon Palmer |
June 18, 2013 |
June 06, 2013 |
Apostles' Creed Revelation 1 - God the Father - Isaiah 45:2-22
Langdon Palmer |
June 04, 2013 |
Apostles' Creed Revolution 3 - God The Son Victorious - Revelation Chapters 1 & 5
Langdon Palmer |
June 02, 2013 |
Apostles' Creed Revelation 5 - The Holy Catholic Church - Hebrews 12
Langdon Palmer |
May 19, 2013 |
Apostles' Creed Revelation 4 - God the Holy Spirit - Matthew 3:16-4:11
Langdon Palmer |
May 12, 2013 |
Easter - Harry Potter and the King's Cross - Matthew 28:1-20
Langdon Palmer |
April 04, 2013 |
Palm Sunday - But for this fleeting moment... rejoice - JOHN 12:9-33
Langdon Palmer |
March 24, 2013 |
Parables of Jesus - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - Luke 18:9-14
Langdon Palmer |
March 17, 2013 |
Parables of Jesus - The House built upon the rock and the House built on the sand - Matthew 7:24-27
Langdon Palmer |
February 24, 2013 |
Parables of Jesus - The Sower, the Seeds, and the Four Soils - Mark 4:1-23
Langdon Palmer |
February 10, 2013 |
Parables of Jesus - The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32
Langdon Palmer |
February 03, 2013 |
Parables of Jesus - The Mustard Seed - Mark 4:30-33
Langdon Palmer |
January 27, 2013 |
Parables of Jesus - The two sons go out into the field - Matthew 21:23-32
Langdon Palmer |
January 06, 2013 |
Y= mx+b - or God for people who like Big Bang Theory - Isaiah 9:2-3
Langdon Palmer |
December 23, 2012 |
Advent 2 - Behold I send my messenger Malachi 3 :1-4, Luke 1 :68-79
Langdon Palmer |
December 09, 2012 |
Hiding in plain sight: The Lord's Prayer and the City of Ember - Matthew 6:7-16
Langdon Palmer |
October 28, 2012 |
Giving, Praying, Fasting, or.... How to live in the wrong story - Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
Langdon Palmer |
October 21, 2012 |
Lust, Loyalty, and Divorce - Matthew 5:27-37
Langdon Palmer |
October 07, 2012 |
Dealing with Anger - Matthew 5:21-26
Langdon Palmer |
September 30, 2012 |
Jesus, the law, and the gospel in the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:17-20
Langdon Palmer |
September 23, 2012 |
The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1-12
Langdon Palmer |
September 09, 2012 |
Estrangement, Reconcilliation, and becoming a Christian - 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Langdon Palmer |
September 02, 2012 |
Four Smooth Stones - 2 Corinthians 5:11-16
Langdon Palmer |
August 26, 2012 |
Why Christians Act So Weird 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
Langdon Palmer |
August 19, 2012 |
Till We Have Faces - 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
Langdon Palmer |
August 14, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 11 - The Ressurection of the Dead - 1 Corinthians 15:1-20
Langdon Palmer |
June 24, 2012 |
Nicene Creed10 - One Baptisim for the Remission of Sins - Ezekiel 36:25-29, Mark 1:4-8, Acts 2:36-38
Langdon Palmer |
June 17, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 7 - His Kingdom Shall Have No End - John 18:33-40 Phillipians 3:17-4:1
Langdon Palmer |
June 04, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 9 - One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church - ACTS 2:40-47
Langdon Palmer |
May 20, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 5 - Suffered Under Pontius Pilate - Luke 24:50-53 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Langdon Palmer |
May 13, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 3 - One Lord Jesus Christ - Hebrews 1:1-4, Colossians 1:15-20
Langdon Palmer |
April 29, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 2 - One God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth - Acts 17:16-34
Langdon Palmer |
April 22, 2012 |
Credo - a song
Langdon Palmer |
April 17, 2012 |
Nicene Creed 1 - We Believe - Joshua 24:14-15, Mark 9:14-27
Langdon Palmer |
April 15, 2012 |
Easter - If the switch really has been thrown - Luke 18:31-43, Ephesians 3:10-12
Langdon Palmer |
April 08, 2012 |
The Seven Deadly Sins #7 Sloth - John:12:12-19
Langdon Palmer |
April 01, 2012 |
The Seven Deadly Sins #6 - ANGER - Proverbs 15:1, Mark 3:1-6
Langdon Palmer |
March 25, 2012 |
The Seven Deadly Sins #4 & #5 - GREED & GLUTTONY - 1st Timothy 6:3-10
Langdon Palmer |
March 18, 2012 |
The Seven Deadly Sins #2 VAIN GLORY Matthew 6:1-7
Langdon Palmer |
March 07, 2012 |
The Seven Deadly Sins #1 ENVY Genesis 4:1-16
Langdon Palmer |
February 26, 2012 |
Starting on the road of Ashes - a sermon for Lent
Langdon Palmer |
February 21, 2012 |
Nudge 6 - The Smell Test and the Woman with the Alabaster Jar - Luke 7:29-50
Langdon Palmer |
February 12, 2012 |
Nudge 3 - The Gift of Taste - The Spice of Life - Song of Solomon 4:9-16
Langdon Palmer |
January 22, 2012 |
Nudge 2 - The Gift of Listening - The Sower, the Soil, and the Seeds - Mark 4:1-23
Langdon Palmer |
January 15, 2012 |
Nudge 1 - Awakening each other to the God who is already there - Matthew 16:1-17
Langdon Palmer |
January 08, 2012 |
Advent #4 Waiting Like Mary Luke 1:26-56
Langdon Palmer |
December 18, 2011 |
Advent #2 John the Baptist - Luke 3:1-18
Langdon Palmer |
December 04, 2011 |
Mountains Into Molehills - a song for our NUDGE sermon series from our SouthRIdge community starting 1/8/12
Watermark (Langdon Palmer) |
November 22, 2011 |
How to read the book of Revelation - or - 3 questions that will set the course of your life - Revelation 1:4-11, 21:1-8, 22:1-10
Langdon Palmer |
November 20, 2011 |
How to read the OT Wisdom Literature - Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:2:11 The Blunt Honesty of an Athiest - and then some
Langdon Palmer |
November 13, 2011 |
How to read the Epistles - Philippians 4:10-20
Langdon Palmer |
November 07, 2011 |
How to read the Gospels - Luke 19:1-27
Langdon Palmer |
October 30, 2011 |
How to read the Bible - using the lens of God's generosity - Deuteronomy 14:22-29
Langdon Palmer |
October 23, 2011 |
How to read the Old Testament Prophets - Amos 1-9
Langdon Palmer |
October 16, 2011 |
How to read the Old Testament Law - Deuteronomy 6:4-9,Leviticus 19:9-14 & 18-19
Langdon Palmer |
October 09, 2011 |
How to read Old Testament Narratives - Genesis 37:12-36, 50:15-21
Langdon Palmer |
September 25, 2011 |
Getting personal - letting God invade your personal space - Psalm 139
Langdon Palmer |
September 13, 2011 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 09A - the Grumbler and the Artist - Psalm 131
Langdon Palmer |
September 04, 2011 |
Psalm 137 - What about all the awful stuff in the bible?
Langdon Palmer |
August 14, 2011 |
Psalm 103 - Taking Bearings and Recieving Revelations
Langdon Palmer |
July 31, 2011 |
Psalm 73 - Why do the Wicked prosper ? Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter
Langdon Palmer |
July 25, 2011 |
Psalm 42 - Do you feel like giving up on Christianity ?
Langdon Palmer |
July 03, 2011 |
Psalm 1 - Gateway to the Psalms
Langdon Palmer |
June 20, 2011 |
Acts 2:1-21 Second Wind...
Langdon Palmer |
June 12, 2011 |
Acts 28 I just want to be Happy...
Langdon Palmer |
June 05, 2011 |
Acts 15 - How should the church handle hot button issues and what should we do when we disagree ?
Langdon Palmer |
May 29, 2011 |
Acts 17:16-34 Philosophy 101 - Is Christianity outdated ?
Landon Palmer |
May 22, 2011 |
Acts 4:32-37 Great Grace and the Grinch
Langdon Palmer |
May 15, 2011 |
Acts 1:1-26 Introduction to the Book of Acts
Landon Palmer |
May 01, 2011 |
Easter - On the first day - Matthew 28:1-10
Landon Palmer |
April 24, 2011 |
To Kiss the Son and mean it - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118
Landon Palmer |
April 17, 2011 |
Be Still and Know - Luke 10:38-42
Langdon Palmer |
April 10, 2011 |
Come and See - John 1:35-46
Langdon Palmer |
March 27, 2011 |
The Facts on the Ground - The Woman caught in Adultery - John 8:1-11
Langdon Palmer |
March 20, 2011 |
The Confession - Luke 9:8-26
Langdon Palmer plus Sarah Dickinson Testimony |
March 15, 2011 |
The Unveiling - Matthew 17:1-9
Langdon Palmer |
March 06, 2011 |
Incubator Church - Part 5 - A Common Mission - James 1:19-27 - Langdon
Langdon Palmer |
February 13, 2011 |
Incubator Church - Part 4 - A common Table - 1 Corinthians 10 , 1 Corinthians 11 - Langdon
Langdon Palmer |
February 06, 2011 |
Incubator Church - Part 2 - A Common Faith - Colossians 2:6-19 - Langdon
Langdon Palmer |
January 23, 2011 |
The Incubator Church - Part 1 - The big picture - Acts 2:37-47 - Langdon
Langdon Palmer |
January 16, 2011 |
New Year Ebenezer - Locating yourself on the journey to believing
Langdon Palmer |
January 04, 2011 |
Voyage of the Dawn Treader 3 - Reepicheep goes Home
Langdon Palmer |
December 19, 2010 |
Voyage of the Dawn Treader 2 - When Lucy opened the book
Langdon Palmer |
December 12, 2010 |
Voyage of the Dawn Treader 1 - The Rebirth of Eustace Scrubb
Langdon Palmer |
December 05, 2010 |
From the Inside Out - The story behind the song
Langdon Palmer |
September 05, 2010 |
You are Holy - The story behind the song
Langdon Palmer |
August 29, 2010 |
Better Is One Day - The story behind the song
Langdon Palmer |
August 22, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 03 - The Bishop
Langdon Palmer |
August 15, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 9 - and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Langdon Palmer |
June 22, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 9b - a detailed excursus on the hebrew of the last phrase - forever or my whole life long?
Langdon Palmer |
June 22, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 8 - All The Days of My Life
Langdon Palmer |
June 14, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 7 - You anoint my head with oil - my cup overflows
Langdon Palmer |
June 07, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 6 - You prepare a table before me
Langdon Palmer |
May 23, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 5 - Thy Rod and Thy Staff - They Comfort Me
Langdon Palmer |
May 16, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 4 - Even Though I walk through the valley of the Shadow
Langdon Palmer |
May 09, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 3 - He guides me in paths
Langdon Palmer |
May 02, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 2 - He makes me lie down
Langdon Palmer |
April 26, 2010 |
Psalm 23 Part 1 - The Lord is my Shepherd
Langdon Palmer |
April 12, 2010 |
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe 1 - What if it was always winter but never Christmas?
Langdon Palmer |
April 08, 2010 |
EASTER Sunday - But the Third Day... - Luke 23-24
Langdon Palmer |
April 04, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 10 - Heaven and Hell - John 14:1-7
Langdon Palmer |
March 28, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 09 - George Mac Donald - Philippians 2:12-13
Langdon Palmer |
March 21, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 08 - The Dwarf and Sarah Smith - Colossians 1:3-14
Langdon Palmer |
March 14, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 07 - The Red Lizard - Colossians 3 1-17
Langdon Palmer |
March 07, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 06 - The Embarassed Woman - Matthew 23:5-12,23-28
Langdon Palmer |
February 21, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 05 - Robert and the FIX HIM woman - 1 Kings 3:16-28
Langdon Palmer |
February 14, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and The Great Divorce 04 - Ikey and the Hard-bitten man - Isaiah 61:10
Langdon Palmer |
February 07, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 02 - The Big Man - Luke 18:9-17
Langdon Palmer |
January 24, 2010 |
C.S. Lewis and the Great Divorce 01 - The Preface - Proverbs 16
Langdon Palmer |
January 17, 2010 |
The Shape of Things to Come 1 Matthew 25:14-29
Langdon Palmer |
November 01, 2009 |
THE TRELLIS - How to know deep peace and deep purpose in your life - John 15:1-11
Langdon Palmer |
October 25, 2009 |
THE CHURCH - How do you know if your church is headed in the right direction? Hebrews 10:22-25
Langdon Palmer |
October 18, 2009 |
The Calling: What am I supposed to be doing with my career and my life?
Langdon Palmer |
October 11, 2009 |
You can take this job and... Ecclesiastes 9:7-11, Hebrews 12:1-13
Langdon Palmer |
October 04, 2009 |
Blessed be your name - The Story behind the Song
Langdon Palmer |
August 30, 2009 |
Beautiful One - The Story behind the Song
Langdon Palmer |
August 23, 2009 |
MUSIC - Rem Brubaker - Flows Over Me
Rem Brubaker, Sarah Moore, Leah Moore |
August 17, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 11 Conclusion - Romans 7 and 8 and the meaning of Grace
Langdon Palmer |
August 02, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 10 - Do not covet - LUKE 18:18-30
Langdon Palmer |
July 26, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 9 - No Lying - PROVERBS 6:16-23
Langdon Palmer |
July 19, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 8 - No Stealing - A Thief in the night - Leviticus 19:33-37
Langdon Palmer |
June 21, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 7 - No Adultery - Eden's Tree - John 8 & Hebrews 13:1-5
Langdon Palmer |
June 14, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 6 - Do Not Kill - The Lord and Giver of Life - Genesis 4:1-9
Langdon Palmer |
June 07, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 5 - Keep the Sabbath - That fierce stillness Psalm 62
Langdon Palmer |
May 31, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 4 - No Idols, No name in vain - 1 Timothy 1:17
Langdon Palmer |
May 24, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 3 - No other Gods but me - Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Langdon Palmer |
May 17, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 2 - Honor Your Father and Mother
Langdon Palmer |
May 10, 2009 |
The Ten Commandments 1 - Introduction Matthew 22:35-40
Langdon Palmer |
May 03, 2009 |
How to read the Bible - John 21
Langdon Palmer |
April 19, 2009 |
A Generous Orthodoxy - 1st Corinthians 15:1-14
Langdon Palmer |
March 08, 2009 |
The Fifth Element - James 1:27 - The final reversal
Langdon Palmer |
February 10, 2009 |
Which Way Will It Be ? - Romans 10:9 & John 1:11-12 - the 4th Great Reversal
Langdon Palmer |
February 01, 2009 |
The Weaver s Ransom - 1st Timothy 2:5-6 - The Third Great Reversal
Langdon Palmer |
January 25, 2009 |
The Unpardonable Sin - Romans 3:23 - The Second Great Reversal
Langdon Palmer |
January 18, 2009 |
Can you prove God Exists ? John 3:16 - The First Great Reversal
Langdon Palmer |
January 11, 2009 |
The Lords Prayer 10 - For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever Amen.
Langdon Palmer |
September 28, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 8 - Lead us not into temptation
Langdon Palmer |
September 07, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 7 - As we forgive our debtors
Langdon Palmer |
August 31, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 6 - Forgive us our trespasses
Langdon Palmer |
August 24, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 5 - Give us this day our daily bread
Langdon Palmer |
August 17, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 4 - Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Langdon Palmer |
August 10, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 3 - Thy Kingdom Come
Langdon Palmer |
August 03, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 2 - Hallowed be thy name
Langdon Palmer |
July 27, 2008 |
The Lords Prayer 1 - Our father who art in heaven
Langdon Palmer |
July 20, 2008 |
The Money Pit
Langdon Palmer |
June 22, 2008 |
The Prayer of Jabez
Langdon Palmer |
June 15, 2008 |
Who s your Daddy ?!! Turning from Prince Caspian to the Gospel of John
Langdon Palmer |
June 01, 2008 |
Prince Caspian 3 - The way of Prince Caspian
Langdon Palmer |
May 25, 2008 |
Prince Caspian 2 - The Secret of the TruffleHunter
Langdon Palmer |
May 18, 2008 |
Prince Caspian 1 - Dr. Cornelius I Presume
Langdon Palmer |
May 11, 2008 |
Reason - within reason ...The relationship between faith and reason, God's soverignty and our free-will in everyday life
Langdon Palmer |
May 04, 2008 |
A river runs through it - Finding Hope in a Broken World - John 10:34-42
Langdon Palmer |
April 27, 2008 |
Why People Drive You Crazy - a biblical approach to dealing with difficult people
Langdon Palmer |
April 06, 2008 |
Larry Norman Tribute
Rick Denzien and Debra lee |
March 02, 2008 |
Suffering - Why is God allowing this ? Following Jesus when life gets rough
Langdon Palmer |
January 27, 2008 |
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:20-48 - Saying Adios to the scribes and Pharisees
Langdon Palmer |
October 27, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 11 The life everlasting Amen!
Langdon Palmer |
June 24, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 8 - the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints - Acts 2 :40-47
Langdon Palmer |
June 10, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 5 - Suffered under Pontius Pilate - Hebrews 2:6-18
Langdon Palmer |
May 20, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 4 - Concieved by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary - Luke 1:26-38
Langdon Palmer |
May 13, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 3 - In Jesus Christ His Only Son Our Lord - Philippians 2:5-10
Langdon Palmer |
May 06, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 2 - In God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth - Luke 15:11-24
Landon Palmer |
April 29, 2007 |
Apostles Creed 1 - I Believe - 2 Timothy 1:12 -14
Landon Palmer, Pastor |
April 22, 2007 |
Narnia - The Lion, THe Witch and the Wardrobe 3 - The Stone Table is Broken - Encountering the power of redemption in the Lord of Life
Langdon Palmer |
December 18, 2005 |
Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 2 - The Problem with Turkish Delight - Being honest about the power of temptation in our lives
Langdon Palmer |
December 11, 2005 |
Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 1 - What if it was always winter but never Christmas ? - Finding hope in a world that's cold
Langdon Palmer |
December 04, 2005 |
Philippians 2:1-11
Unknown |
December 31, 1899 |