Josh and Joel
May 1,2007 - July 24,2007
Josh and Church Planter Chris
June 19,2007
Josh, MS Intern Brandon, and Joel (via cell phone from 6 flags)
May 29,2007
Josh, Joel, Jared, Robert, Greg, Bridget(via Telephone), and Steve (via standing outside the door)
May 23,2007
Josh and Joel (and Paul)
May 22,2007
Josh, Joel and HS Intern Stephen
May 18,2007
Josh, Joel, and MS Intern Brandon
May 16,2007
Josh and Joel (Trombone and Cowbell Extraordinaires)
May 11,2007
Josh, Joel, Brandon and a little Robert
April 27,2007
Content Copyright Belongs to First Baptist Clarksville Student Ministry