Conspiracy Against God part 2

February 09, 2025
Pastor Jack Ward

2/9/2025 Ezekiel 22:25-31 Conspiracy Against God Intro: I heard a man the other day say he was against Religion. I am too. So was Jesus! The Bible and Christianity is about a person…Jesus Christ! A Relationship not a religion. Jesus Christ is alive and well on the right hand of the Father. He sent His Spirit to live in us until we are in His presence forever! But to say we hate religion are being totally honest. I don’t think they are inferring that they hate God also. They just don’t understand how God has revealed Himself to humanity. So they believe in God but they have created a conspiracy against the God of the Bible without even knowing it. They have created their own prophets and preachers. Wokeness, do as thou wilt was spoken by Satanist Aleister Crowley when he said “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” There is a conspiracy to promote man and demote God. Conspiracy is a plot, ploy, or scheme. McDonalds conspires to get you to buy their hamburgers and fries by their

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