
Matching the Term: "Salvation"

Salvations Accepted Day Now Isa 49 8 13

Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

Laetare, The Fourth Sunday In Lent 30-March-2025 Sermon Text: Isaiah 49:8-13 Sermon Theme: “Salvation’s Accepted Day: Now!” I. Salvation Comes Only In Jesus! (Vs.8-9a). II. Salvation Shepherds Us! (Vs.9b-10) III. Salvation’s Spirit Comforts Sinners!(vs.11-13) by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

Salvation The Appropriation Faith

Pastor John Stirewalt

Pregnant With The Salvation Of God

Pastor Cheryl Jackson

We are living in a great salvation a seed has been planted in our gut we've been filled with the life of God. The life we now live in the flesh we now live through the son of God. This soul salvation is awesome, we have complete rest in our soul in everything that is going on in us and around us. We are not moved, we're not perplexed, we're not torn apart, we believe God for everything, and we are not grieving about the issues that we will encounter in this life. We will trust the word that God...

Salvation In Four Words

Pastor John Stirewalt



Take heed of exchanging your salvation for riches is a sessional message that will equipped you with the understanding on how preserve oneself salvation

God's Great Salvation - John 3:16

Todd Peebles

God's Great Salvation John 3:16 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. I. The Motive of Salvation: Why Did Jesus Do It? II. The Means of Salvation: How Did Jesus Do It? III. The Man of Salvation: Who Did God Give? IV. The Message of Salvation: For Whom Did He Do It?

The Salvation Of God

Pastor Jack Ward

Lots of things offer salvation. Governments offer salvation from oppression. Products offer salvation from unsightly stains. We can be saved from debt, saved from pain by doctors, saved from stress by vacations, saved from losing by picking a better team, saved from bad decisions when someone bails us out, saved from death by a miracle drug or skilled surgeon or a safe car. But what is the salvation of God?

In Repentance and Stress is Your Salvation?

Clarke Dixon

In Isaiah we read “In repentance and rest is your salvation” (Isiah 30:15). Some people may think it should read “in repentance and stress is your salvation.” Today we will discover that Isaiah had it right!

The Facets of Salvation | Isaiah 42:14-44:5

Pastor Joshua Lim

As God has comforted His people and reaffirmed their place in His Kingdom, He now unpacks what their salvation entails. Salvation is like a multi-faceted diamond that shines in many different ways. In this passage, we see five major facets of salvation: adoption, revelation, deliverance, forgiveness, and revival. This multi-faceted salvation is ultimately made available for us in Christ.

Waiting for Salvation | Isaiah 51:1-52:12

Pastor Joshua Lim

After the people have returned from exile and received God's great vision of salvation through the Servant of the Lord, they are still left waiting for this salvation. Likewise, we too find ourselves waiting for Christ to return in order to fully establish God's Kingdom. We can rightly wait for our future salvation by crying out to God in faith to bring salvation soon, by maintaining courage in the face of fear, by remembering the free gift of God's grace, and by leaving behind the old life of sin.


Rev. Dennis R. Hartman

The Apostle Paul made this statement concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news to all who will hear and respond, I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes! This morning we are going to review briefly what the scripture says concerning our salvation. We want to be reminded that our salvation is on the basis of faith. Faith has two parts the hearing and the doing. It is important for us to see these things.

Your Family's Salvation depends on your obedience

Sis Sheeba

This short sermon will help you understand that your role in your family is very much needed for God to bring salvation .Your Obedience & a consistent walk with God will open doors for your family to receive Christ and experience a transformed life in Christ bringing about their salvation and it all depends on your Obedience & consistent walk with God untill you see a change

Your Family's Salvation depends on your obedience

Sis Sheeba

This short sermon will help you understand that your role in your family is very much needed for God to bring salvation .Your Obedience & a consistent walk with God will open doors for your family to receive Christ and experience a transformed life in Christ bringing about their salvation and it all depends on you and your Obedience and consistent walk with God untill you see a change and experience a breakthrough

Your Family's Salvation depends on your obedience

Sis Sheeba

This short sermon will help you understand that your role in your family is very much needed for God to bring salvation .Your Obedience & a consistent walk with God will open doors for your family to receive Christ and experience a transformed life in Christ bringing about their salvation and it all depends on you and your Obedience and consistent walk with God untill you see a breakthrough

Salvation Is The City You Live In

Cheryl Jackson

God has appointed salvation for our walls. Let us learn how to live in our salvation. What the LORD said is your salvation. Every word the Lord has spoken and even continues to say surrounds you. Trust the LOORD with all your heart. Scripture for meditation Isaiah 25:1-12, Isaiah 26:1-6, Matthew 5:3

Salvation Army Weekend - November 20, 2022

Salvation Army Major Philip Davis

Thank you for joining us at Crossroad Community Church Georgetown. This weekend the Salvation Army New York Staff Band brings us a special treat as they present "Creation". For more information on how to get connected with Crossroad Community Church Georgetown with small groups, bible studies, events, and times of services visit crossroadcc.us And for more info about the Salvation army, you can Check out their Website by visiting this link. https://pa.salvationarmy.org/delaware-command/contact-us

The Fullness Of Our Salvation

Pastor Cheryl Jackson

The Fullness Of Our Salvation - Throne Of Grace God is our salvation and strength. Learning to rest in him is living in him. Let's live in the fullness of our salvation. Psalm 91:1-4 Deuteronomy 6:5 2 Chronicles 20:17 Hebrews 4:14-16 We are in Christ. We are not outside of Christ's body; we are His body and He is the head of His Body. 2 Corinthians 4:6 New Living Translation For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen...

The Urgency of Salvation: A Call to Surrender to Jesus

Pastor Charles Barksdale

"The Urgency of Salvation: A Call to Surrender to Jesus" is a four-week sermon series that emphasizes the importance of recognizing our need for salvation and surrendering our lives to Jesus. Through exploring the need, unconditional love, transformational power, and practical aspects of surrender, this series aims to inspire individuals to embrace a life dedicated to Jesus and experience the urgency of salvation. Join us as we embark on this journey of surrender and discover the abundant life that comes through a relationship with Jesus.