Matching the Term: "Hope"
God With Us Part 1 - Hope
Brad Shockley
Sunday May 1, 2022 - Resurrection Hope: Clinging to Faith in a Dark World Part 3 - "Hope Restored, Hope Restores"
Rev. Isaac Chung
Sunday May 1, 2022 - Resurrection Hope: Clinging to Faith in a Dark World Part 3 - "Hope Restored, Hope Restores" - John 21:15-19 - Message By Rev. Isaac Chung
Six Reasons to Hope - Session 2 - "The Hope that House Built."
Langdon Palmer
Real hope is possible even in times like these! This six part series will give you practical skills, habits, and understandings that can increase your hope quotient and help you move into a better future. You can watch a youtube video of this sermon or the entire worship service it occured in at https://levpres.org/six-reasons-to-hope/
My Footprint of Hope
Frank Foreman
Kids everywhere put together Christmas lists; often these lists contain those wishes for presents they want to find under a tree on Christmas morning. Their hope is based on those lists as well as the generosity of parents/family. Biblical hope differs from the typical idea of hope we talk about in the Christmas season. Biblical hope is based on God's promises; an assurance of things that, through God's providence, will eventually be fulfilled. It is not a matter of if but when God will accomplish His plans and purpose.
Is there hope for our community? | Hope for All
Pastor Joe Wickman
Statistics about increasing drug use, domestic violence, homelesness, and hunger are shocking and can make us ask... is there hope for our community? In part two of "Hope for All", Pastor Joe teaches us that although Jesus came to heal the lost and hurting 2,000 years ago, we, the modern church, are called to be His hands and feet to the people around us. By loving our family, friends, and neighbors well and sharing the Good News of Jesus with them, WE can bring lasting hope to our community!
How to find hope through any circumstance | Night of Hope
Pastor Jordan Dunlap
In this unpredictable life many of us will face situations where hopelessness can overtake our heart and mind. Depression, anxiety, grief, broken relationships, addiction, health problems, abuse, unexpected changes... there are so many struggles that can leave us feeling in the dark with no chance for change. But what if there was a way to find lasting hope through ANY season? At this special event 'Night of Hope', Pastor Jordan teaches us where true hope can be found, and how we can walk in it no matter what we're going through.
Ep68. There Is Hope with Tina Levene
Brandee Nielsen + Tina Levene
Coffee Talk Topic: There Is Hope This episode's coffee talk topic encourages us that no matter our situation or circumstance, there is hope! The Old Testament teaches us that hope is trust. In the New Testament, Paul says that Jesus Christ is our hope, just as the Prophet Jeremiah proclaimed that God is the hope of Israel. Featured Guest: Tina Levene Tina Levene is an author, speaker, a humorous motivator, and professional staff development trainer. Levene works with businesses, ministries, and educational institutions to create a safe, positive and high-performance culture by igniting passion and developing leadership skills. Long affiliated...
Sunday April 24, 2022 - Resurrection Hope: Clinging to Faith in a Dark World Part 2 - "Hope Dashed. And Then..."
Rev. Adam Grosch
Sunday April 24, 2022 - Resurrection Hope: Clinging to Faith in a Dark World Part 2 - "Hope Dashed. And Then..." - Luke 24:13-49 - Message by Rev. Adam Grosch
Is there hope for this world? | Hope for All
Pastor Joe Wickman
We don't have to go very far to see that people in this world are deeply broken and full of disappointment, dysfunction, and despair. It's easy to wonder... is there hope to be found for the future? In part one of "Hope for All", Pastor Joe teaches us that although the world may seem overwhelmingly dark and full of uncertainty, the light of Jesus - as well as His light in us - can change everything.
Faith Hope and Love - Part 2 "Hope"
Pastor Tom Scott
Pastor Tom's message for the church this morning 01 December 2024 called "Hope"
The Hope of God's Kingdom │Haggai 2:20-23
Pastor Joshua Lim
God offers a final word of encouragement to His people by promising them hope. And the hope that God offers is the establishing of His Kingdom through the Messiah. Zerubbabel serves as a confirmation and a preview of the King who is to come - Jesus Christ. And through our passage, we see that what we need in order to thrive in seasons of uncertainty and difficulty is hope. And for us, this biblical hope is guaranteed, it is eschatological, and it is Christ-centered.
Hope on the Journey! - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Pastor Hans Peters
Hope on the Journey! - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Sometimes we hope for things where there is no hope. A car can’t bring true hope; it can bring a feeling of contentment and exhilaration, but it can’t bring real hope. Financial stability can not bring true hope; it can bring security and a level of ease, but not true hope. A spouse can’t bring true hope either because a spouse’s abilities are limited to what he or she can control. True hope comes from the One who created hope: From God! True hope comes by trusting God even when circumstances are...