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Hope: The Gospel of Mark

Hope: The Gospel of Mark

There is a well known cliche in British sports, “It’s the hope that kills you”. Perhaps this is an accurate description for 2020. We had lots of hopes for this year. But at almost every turn these hopes were dashed, whether by pandemic or political unrest. The Gospels were originally written for the sake of people who had been promised so much by God. The prophet Isaiah prophesied, “In his name the Gentiles will hope”. But then God was silent for 400 years. Hope had killed them time and time again. But everything changed with the birth of a child in Bethlehem. The Gospel of Mark gave us the name of the one in whom we can hope, and why we can hope again. Jesus brought hope to people 2000 years ago. And this gospel tells us how the same Jesus can bring hope to our lives today.

Title Speaker Date
The Beginning of Hope Lindsey Williams December 13, 2020

Content Copyright Belongs to Midtown Community Church