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Kingdom Redefined
Jesus came and redefined how people thought about the Kingdom of God. He was a servant leader who loved us so much that He went to the cross and died for our sins. But Jesus did not stay dead, He rose from the grave. He now reigns in God's Kingdom and invites us into the Kingdom.
Title | Speaker | Date |
True Greatness is Serving Others, part One | Thomas Graves | March 02, 2019 |
True Greatness is Serving Others, Part 2 | Tom Graves | March 08, 2019 |
God's Intervention Changes Everything, part One | Thomas Graves | March 15, 2019 |
God's Intervention Changes Everything, part Two | Tom Graves | March 23, 2019 |
Resurrection: The Wonder of God, Part 1 | Tom Graves | March 29, 2019 |
Resurrection: The Wonder of God, Part 2 | Tom Graves | April 05, 2019 |
Walking with Jesus Changes Our Hearts, part 1 | Tom Graves | April 12, 2019 |
Walking with Jesus Changes our Hearts, part 2 | Tom Graves | April 23, 2019 |
Fulfillment, part 1 | Paula Graves | May 05, 2019 |
Content Copyright Belongs to Trinity Lutheran Church