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Encountering Jesus

Encountering Jesus

John was in the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples and referred to himself as the disciple that Jesus loved. It was from this viewpoint that John could write his unique story of Jesus. John had been transformed from a “son of thunder” to a disciple that wrote about love as he followed Jesus. He wanted those who read is writings to know the same transformation. John 20: 30 The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name. John wrote of signs or miracles that happened to point to who Jesus was. As we consider these stories, we, too, can encounter Jesus and learn who He desires to be in our lives. When we receive Him, we can be transformed as John was and have eternal life with our Lord.

Title Speaker Date
Encountering Jesus with the Beloved Disciple Tom and Paula Graves November 28, 2020
Encountering Jesus at a Wedding Tom and Paula Graves December 05, 2020
Encountering Jesus with Nicodemus Tom and Paula Graves December 12, 2020
Encountering Jesus with the Woman at the Well Tom and Paula Graves December 18, 2020
Encountering Jesus with a Government Official Tom and Paula Graves December 26, 2020
Encountering Jesus with a Crowd of 5000 Tom and Paula Graves January 02, 2021
Encountering Jesus with a Blind Man Tom and Paula Graves January 09, 2021
Encountering Jesus with Lazarus Tom and Paula Graves January 15, 2021
Encountering Jesus with the Disciples Tom and Paula Graves January 23, 2021
Encountering Jesus with Pilate Tom and Paula Graves January 30, 2021
Encountering Jesus with Mary Tom and Paula Graves February 06, 2021
Encountering Jesus with Peter Tom and Paula Graves February 13, 2021

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