Body and Soul
A six-week study of the Heidelberg Catechism. The study will coincide with the kickoff of Sunday School. The purpose of the study is to refresh everyone on the basics of the faith and acquaint everyone with the catechism, one of the most beloved teaching tools for 450 years. Covers the most famous Q&A if the catechism, #1.
Comfortable Misery-091822
September 19, 2022 at 9:31 AM
The lesson this week is the Apostle Paul’s powerful indictment of those who know of God, but intentionally choose to live as if God doesn’t exist. “Body and Soul” #2. Sin is when we make something more important to us than God. By definition, sin makes us miserable. Why do we go on pursuing the things that make us miserable? Covers Q&A 2-25.
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