Sermons & Episodes


Definitions 2013 - How Deep is Your Love? (Sermon Only)

Definitions 2013 - How Deep is Your Love? (Entire Service)

Divine Healing Course - Week #5

Purpose in Suffering

The Generous God and His People

Abraham: The Father of our Faith

The Regression Of "Progressives"

Sermon - 1/13/13

From Roadside to Partnership

The Book of John - 2 of 40

1 John Series #7: A Pause for Encouragement (1 John 2:12-14) - Santiago Curling

Awakening Consciousness 2

Building A Life Of Stewardship - In Our Talents

Siezing the Opportunity

Taking the Back Seat

The 3 Blind Men - REVIEW

Longing to Belong: The Meaning of Membership

01-06-13 Is That Your Final Answer?