Sermons & Episodes

Some Things I Desire

He is Worthy

Mary and Martha

Obtaining Promises through Zeal and Patience

Feast Not Famine

Jeremiah 26:8-15

Path to Transformation - Part 6

5 Faithful Sayings: We Need to Change Our Aspirations (Part 3)

Psalm 4

02-10-13 Still the Sower Casts His Seed

Abide In Me

Liive Fully 2.10.13


20130210AM Jesus Saw Their Faith

Parables of Jesus - The Sower, the Seeds, and the Four Soils - Mark 4:1-23

Seek The Lord For Encouragement

Definition 2013 - What's in a Name? (Sermon Only)

Definition 2013 - What's in a Name? (Entire Service)

Go, Show, Tell