Sermons & Episodes

The Fog Is Lifting

"Send Me"

First - The Challenge

10.11.24 | Ashburton AM | Brendan Abernethy

Optimize Yourself

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Craig Hadley

Money Myth Busters

Luke 9_62-Hand To The Plow-November 10 2024


Will You Fellowship With Me? | Inquisitive Christ | Pastor Will Vines

Acts 7:1-60 Pastor Joe Holden

Reflecting Jesus' Stewardship and Generosity | Gerry McLean

When Love Hates

The Aftermath of Betrayal

10.11.24 | West AM | Graeme Fawcett

Ps. Steve Middleton – Draw Near- Gateway of Worship

The Tools to Victorious Living

"Faith and Politics: Election 2024"

John 8:12-59 Contrast of Authority