Executive Orders, Pardons, and Bitcoin... Oh My!

Series: The Culture Crossroads Video Podcast

January 30, 2025
Andrew Southwick, RC Williams, Julianna Ormond, CJ Konstantinos

On this episode, Andrew, RC Williams, and Julianna Ormond examine the flurry of executive orders signed by President Donald Trump, and weigh which might warrant closer inspection going forward. Then, the team investigates the convenient timing and scope of former President Joe Biden's pre-emptive pardoning of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Next, digital currency expert and founder of People's Reserve, CJ Konstantinos joins the show to highlight an innovative way for homeowners to make their home earn money for them through Bitcoin. In the Faith Focus segment, Andrew and the gang begin their walkthrough of Paul E. Little's book, Know Why You Believe, in a discussion about faith. Does everyone have faith? And what faith is a powerful and effective faith?

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