Brothers In the Battle - Part 2
Series: Light In the Darkness
November 15, 2020
Ron Burtz
In this message, based on Philippians 2:19-24, we are introduced to Paul's two companions and co-workers in the ministry of the gospel--Timothy and Epaphroditus. In these two men we find real life, human examples of what the Christian life should look like.
Episode Notes
Text: Philippians 2:19-24
No Lone Rangers in the Bible
Four Exemplary Lives:
1. Christ
2. Paul
3. Timothy - A Spiritual Son
– vv. 19-24
Timothy was...
a. Similar
b. Sympathetic
c. Single Minded
d. Seasoned
e. Submissive
4.Epaphroditus - A Brother in Arms – vv. 25-30
Described as...
a. My brother
b. My fellow worker
c. My fellow soldier
d. Your messenger "apostle"
e. Your minister
“He is distressed because you heard he was ill.”
Two vital truths for Christian living:
1. We are called to follow the example of Christ and our leaders.
2. We need brothers and sisters in Christ to support us.
Content Copyright Belongs to Hope Christian Reformed Church