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What If...

What If...

Our faith is shaped by some of the major moments of Christianity: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Moses receiving the 10 Commandments, and the life and death of Jesus. Join Pastor Jacob on a historical whirlwind over the next 5 weeks as he investigates what Christainity would be like if these moments had never happened! Would Christianity still be around today? June 12: What If…Adam and Eve never ate the fruit? June 19: What if…Moses Never Received the 10 Commandments? June 26: What if….Jesus Had Never Been Born? July 3: What if…Constantine Never Became a Christian? July 10: What if…The Bible Had Never Been Written?

Title Speaker Date
What if.... Adam & Eve Never Ate the Fruit Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz June 12, 2022
What If... Moses never received the ten commandments Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz June 19, 2022
What If... Constantine Had Never Become a Christian Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz June 26, 2022
What If... Jesus Had Died of Old Age Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz July 03, 2022
What If... The Bible Had Never Been Written Rev. Dr. Jacob Buchholz July 10, 2022

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